Commit e5b3decd by 李楚霏


parent c3091798
# Fireball Projects
# npm files
# Logs and databases
# files for debugger
# OS generated files
# WebStorm files
# VS Code files
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* @Author: your name
* @Date: 2019-10-30 22:01:59
* @LastEditTime: 2019-10-30 22:51:48
* @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
* @Description: In User Settings Edit
* @FilePath: \_Happydinosaur\assets\script\dinosaurGame.js.js
// Learn cc.Class:
// - [Chinese]
// - [English]
// Learn Attribute:
// - [Chinese]
// - [English]
// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
// - [Chinese]
// - [English]
extends: cc.Component,
properties: {
player: cc.Node,
spherePreb: cc.Prefab,
clickNode: cc.Node,
startBtn: cc.Button,
mainPanel: cc.Node,
startPanel: cc.Node,
overPanel: cc.Node,
restarBtn: cc.Button,
onLoad() {
this.player.y = -(cc.winSize.height / 2) + 100;
this.startGame = false;
this.playerisDead = false /*玩家死亡状态 */ = true; = false; = false; /* 结束界面 */
overGame() {
this.startGame=false; = true; = false;
this.unschedule(this.addSphere); /* 当游戏结束时停止生成sphere */
onStartBtn() { = false; = true; = false;
this.startGame = true;
this.sphereArr = [];
this.schedule(this.addSphere, 0.5);
onRestartBtn() { = true; = false;
addSphere() {
const sphereNode = cc.instantiate(this.spherePreb);
const widthSize = cc.winSize.width - 200;
const heightSize = cc.winSize.height;
let posX = Math.random() * (widthSize - (-widthSize)) + (-widthSize);
sphereNode.setPosition(cc.v2(posX, cc.winSize.height / 2 + 50));
let moveToAction = cc.moveTo(1, cc.v2(posX, -(cc.winSize.height / 2) + 100));
sphereNode.runAction(cc.sequence(moveToAction, cc.callFunc(() => {
destroySphere(sphere) {
this.RemoveFromArr(this.sphereArr, sphere);
RemoveFromArr(arr, ele) {
if (arr instanceof Array) {
const index = arr.indexOf(ele);
if (index > -1) {
arr.splice(index, 1);
registerEvent() {
this.clickNode.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE, this.playerMove, this); /* */
playerMove(event) {
const pos = event.getLocation();
const prePos = event.getPreviousLocation();
if (pos.x > prePos.x) {
this.player.scaleX = -1;
} else if (pos.x < prePos.x) {
this.player.scaleX = 1;
this.player.x += pos.x - prePos.x;
if (this.player.x > cc.winSize.width / 2 - 90)
this.player.x = cc.winSize.width / 2 - 90;
else if (this.player.x < -(cc.winSize.width / 2) + 90)
this.player.x = -(cc.winSize.width / 20) + 90;
distance(sphereNode) {
const dinasourPos = this.player.getPosition();
const lineDistance = sphereNode.getPosition().sub(dinasourPos).mag();
return lineDistance;
update(dt) {
// this.time-=dt;
if (this.startGame) {
for (const sphereItem of this.sphereArr) {
if (this.distance(sphereItem) < 50) {
this.playerisDead = true;
if (this.playerisDead === true) {
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"support_platform": [
"package_download_url": "",
"package_version_desc": "<b>更新日期:<b>2019/06/27<br>\n<br><b>更新内容:</b><br>\n1、修复部分BUG<br>\n2、代码优化",
"service_component_name": "service-agora",
"package_versions": [
"build_platform": [],
"require_verify": 1,
"service_price": "该服务按使用量计费,<a href=''><font color='#dddddd'>计费规则</font></a>,所产生的费用将由第三方从您的 <a href=''><font color='#dddddd'>Cocos 账户余额</font></a> 中扣除。",
"service_protocol": "游戏首次开启该服务时,Cocos会后台通知服务方为游戏开通服务并初始化参数,服务方根据需要可能会获取您的Cocos账户信息,包括账户基本资料、游戏基本资料、账户余额等,点击确认开通按钮即视为您同意该服务访问您的账户信息,详见<a href=''>《Cocos用户服务协议》</a>和<a href=''>《Cocos隐私政策》</a>"
"game": {
"name": "未知游戏",
"appid": "UNKNOW"
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